What team mates are saying after 1,5 years of close collaboration


– in the eyes of Katrin
Marai is an extraordinary person. What makes her extraordinary for me? She has an incredible energy. Her ability to hold space, her deep feeling and following every trace of emotion, her knowledge and years of experience of joyful togetherness. 🙂 She always manages to pull an effective tool out of the hat to become self-aware and go through deeper processes, and she laughs from the bottom of her heart! She is a gift! Also to work with Marai is a gift, and it has been a great pleasure to work with this team and her. A whole new way of working.

Katrin Ochs, Graphic designer

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– in the eyes of Olov

Working with Marai is a truly beautiful experience. She brings to a project an enthusiastic feeling of effectiveness and organization, manages the meetings and the processes with a caring hand that brings us all along forward in the best possible spirit, making sure that all that needs to be aired or taken into account get’s its space, while at the same time managing time and commitments in a way that everyone’s time, including the meetings end time, is respected. She is present, honest, focused, committed, skilful, warm, caring and a true joy to be invited to work with!

Olov Agné, Web developer

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– in the eyes of Emma

Working with you has brought new courage into me. I see in you a brave soul, committed to leading others into hope and light. You are attentive to what feels, in your body and in the group, and your ability to bring calmness and spirit into alignment helps others stay grounded. I see in you a person who is dedicated to spread what she believes in, which inspires me to do the same. Thank you for creating spaces for people to get in touch with a higher frequency, that is needed more than ever in this world today.

Emma Rosqvist, Artist and independent consultant

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– in the eyes of Thomas

My experience of working with you, Marai, has been and is filled of joy, laughter, seriousness and deep learning. You have emotions, show them and work with them together with others which I am happy to enjoy.

You have collected so much knowledge and experience through the years being the curious person you are. I am happy you willingly share this with others and I hope you will do it even more in the future.

I also love the creative side of you which for example gives life and energy to every meeting we have together.

I highly respect that you don’t choose the easy way – you follow your true way.

Thomas Herrmann, OST facilitator, Genuine Contact trainer, Consultant