THANK YOU to the special people who made possible my journey to NESI (New Economy & Social Innovation) Forum 2019 in Malaga, Spain

Core outcomes

  • Meaningful Contribution made to the Future of Work track
  • Life-changing connections build to WEAll – Alliance for a Wellbeing Economy, where I am now a member
  • Genuine Contact Way books handed to heart-centered transformation agents

My next steps

I will initiate live experiences on how GC contributes to the Wellbeing Economy:

  • In May I will participate in a WEAll meeting in Berlin, hosted by the BMW foundation.
  • I have a journey to Madrid in planning, to deepen connections and share GC with B Corp.


WATCH my short film below which give you impressions of NESI.

FOLLOW the link to WEAll: Alliance for a Well-Being Economy

WEAll is a new global collaboration of organisations, alliances, movements and individuals working together to change the economic system to create a wellbeing economy: one that delivers human and ecological wellbeing.

LEARN about BCorp
Certified B Companies are a new kind of business that balances purpose and profit.

READ the NESI Magazine
Future of Work on page 15+16

TALK to me in person about how profoundly I am impacted and changed from this journey. As I write this, tears come to my eyes. There is similary to 2003, when I went to my first WOSonOS and joined the OST community.

Ask me what happened!


You will see:

  • La Noria, a true oasis within the city ( former orphanage turned into a cultural center), where our team stayed. A space that supported health & balance of the hosting team! We had simple shared rooms with shared bathrooms filled with love and well-being.
  • Confusion the day before, as it was raining heavily and all the original plans for an outdoor setup fell apart (note: my German efficiency got challenged, seeing many helpers missing clear instructions 😉 )
  • Auditorium, people sitting in rows, no daylight – not at all Genuine Contact way
  • Different impression on and off stage, including the major of the city talking with youth
  • +700 people from 40 countries mingling over the course of 3 days
  • Break out group work – almost everything happening around tables, my Genuine Contact heart ached.
  • High engagement in the participants, as they explored the Future of Work.
  • Bonding with the hosting team, making great international connections that are continuing.
  • And if you pay attention, you’ll notice that I even met Jesus 🙂